Update to kippo-log2db.pl
I discovered an issue with the tool I wrote about last June. I've updated kippo-log2db.pl correcting an error where it was populating the sensor column of the session table improperly. I discovered the error after loading some data into MySQL and then attempting to use Ion's kippo2elasticsearch script to move the data into ElasticSearch. I've also discovered an anomaly that I have not yet taken up with the kippo author, why is the sensor colum in the session table int(4) when the id column of the sensor table is int(11)? Since I only have a handful of sensors, it hasn't impacted me, but if you have an installation with a huge number of sensors, this could become a problem. Anyway, get the new version and if you've imported data using the old version, you may need to reimport. Sorry about that.
Jim Clausing, GIAC GSE #26
jclausing --at-- isc [dot] sans (dot) edu
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