Unpatched Exploit: Skype for Mac OS X

Published: 2011-05-06. Last Updated: 2011-05-09 19:01:31 UTC
by Richard Porter (Version: 2)
4 comment(s)

--- Update:

There has been an update to Skype for Mac OS X. It is recommended that you update. Latest version seems to be It is not clear from the Skype website as to addressing the below issue but updating is a good idea.



According to a Pure Hacking Blog Entry = http : //www.purehacking.com/blogs/gordon-maddern/skype-0day-vulnerabilitiy-discovered-by-pure-hacking and The Register UK = http : //www.theregister.co.uk/2011/05/06/skype_for_mac_critical_vulnerability/

There is a 0 Day exploit that exists for Skype on MAC. Windows and Linux are unaffected. Some best practices for Skype include setting your messages to only allow from Contacts. This does not protect you from infected contacts but it might help.

Please take measures to protect yourself. We are not aware of this being exploited in the wild and as most of us might use the operating system affected, we are both personally and professionally interested.



Richard Porter

--- ISC Handler on Duty


4 comment(s)


The patched version is available, although not yet pushed to clients - Use:
Skype -> Check for Updates...
A MAC is a unique identifier for a network device, not the name of a computer.
Put up a nice little writeup about this this morning out at http: //www.h-online.com/security/news/item/Confusion-over-Skype-for-Mac-security-issue-1239842.html. Shows the confusion between the individual that found the exploit and Skype.
Reports are that Microsoft is going to buy Skype. The Apple problem just sorted itself out. LOL

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