Quick Audit of *NIX Systems

Published: 2016-02-26. Last Updated: 2016-02-26 10:33:40 UTC
by Xavier Mertens (Version: 1)
4 comment(s)

If you think that only computers running Microsoft Windows are targeted by attackers, you’re wrong! UNIX (used here as a generic term, not focusing on a specific distribution or brand) is a key operating system on the Internet. Many websites and other public services are relying on it (Netcraft is compiling interesting stats on this topic). UNIX web servers are constantly visited by bots which are looking for vulnerabilities. When new ones are discovered, it never takes a long time to see new scanners crawling the net.
Therefore it is mandatory to keep an eye on your servers by using proactive and reactive controls. Besides the classic monitoring of log files, reactive security controls may include a deeper check at the operating system level to look for suspicious activity like processes, files, ... On the proactive side, misconfigurations must also be tracked. 
A few days ago, Daniel Cid published an interesting article about the tool "rootcheck". It is a component of the well known OSSEC suite but a stand alone version exists. To use it, just follow those simple steps:
# wget http://dcid.me/ossec-packages/rootcheck-latest.tar.gz
# tar xzvf rootcheck-latest.tar.gz
# cd rootcheck*
# ./install.sh
# ./rootcheck
For those who are curious about how the tool works, have a look in the db/ directory where you will find all the IOCs used by rootcheck:
# ls -1 db
The provided files are good enough to write your own custom rules. rootcheck works quite well but does not test the hardening level of your UNIX host. It’s also a binary. They are two ways to use it: You must pre-compile all versions depending on your UNIX flavors (*BSD, Linux, Solaris,…) or you must have development tools installed on all hosts to compile it.
But, there is another tool that I like: Lynis. It is an auditing tool which is compatible with many UNIX flavors and it does not require installation. Just download it and execute it:
# wget https://cisofy.com/files/lynis-2.1.1.tar.gz
# tar xzvf lynis-2.1.1.tar.gz
or (to get the latest code)
# git clone https://github.com/CISOfy/lynis 
# cd lynis
# ./lynis audit system
By default, the scan runs in interactive mode and display colored output. But you can automate stuff and customize the tests performed. Here is a (brief) resume of the categories of tests:
  • File permissions
  • Binary scans
  • Testing for virtualized environments
  • Running processes
  • Boot procedure
  • Kernel configuration
  • Users, authentication
  • File systems
  • Shells
  • Local firewalls
  • Standard daemons settings (SNMP, Syslog, ...)

Here is small extracts of a generated report (they are usually very long):

[08:57:29] Test: Checking PermitRootLogin in /etc/ssh/sshd_config
[08:57:29] Result: Option PermitRootLogin found in /etc/ssh/sshd_config
[08:57:29] Result: Option PermitRootLogin value is  WITHOUT-PASSWORD
[08:57:29] Result: SSH option PermitRootLogin is configured reasonably
[08:57:29] Suggestion: Consider hardening of SSH configuration [test:SSH-7408] [details:PermitRootLogin (WITHOUT-PASSWORD --> NO)] [solution:-]
[08:57:29] Hardening: assigned 1 hardening points (max for this item: 3), current: 98, total: 154
[08:57:30] Performing test ID LOGG-2190 (Checking deleted files in file table)
[08:57:30] Test: checking deleted files but are still in use
[08:57:30] Result: found one or more files which are deleted, but still in use
[08:57:30] Found deleted file: /tmp/tmpfHXNnZp
[08:57:30] Found deleted file: /var/log/upstart/docker.log.1
[08:57:30] Suggestion: Check what deleted files are still in use and why. [test:LOGG-2190] [details:-] [solution:-]
[08:57:31] Performing test ID BANN-7126 (Check issue banner file contents)
[08:57:31] Test: Checking file /etc/issue contents for legal key words
[08:57:31] Result: Found only 0 key words (5 or more suggested), to warn unauthorized users and could be increased
[08:57:31] Suggestion: Add a legal banner to /etc/issue, to warn unauthorized users [test:BANN-7126] [details:-] [solution:-]
[08:57:31] Performing test ID CONT-8104 (Checking Docker info for any warnings)
[08:57:31] Test: Check for any warnings
[08:57:46] Result: found warning(s) in output
[08:57:46] Output: No swap limit support
[08:57:46] Suggestion: Run 'docker info' to see warnings applicable to Docker daemon [test:CONT-8104] [details:-] [solution:-]
[08:57:47] Binary: found /usr/bin/gcc (world executable)
[08:57:47] Hardening: assigned 2 hardening points (max for this item: 3), current: 151, total: 244
[08:57:47] Result: at least one compiler could be better hardened by restricting executable access to root or group only
[08:57:47] Suggestion: Harden compilers like restricting access to root user only [test:HRDN-7222] [details:-] [solution:-]
The generated report is complete and, as you can see, also contains suggestions to improve the host security. Other features can be added via plugins. Profiles can be created to test specific environments: per operating system, per network zone (PCI, DMZ) or per security level. I also like the "pentest" mode which performs all the tests with a non-privileged user.
Xavier Mertens
ISC Handler - Freelance Security Consultant
Keywords: audit os rootkit unix
4 comment(s)
ISC Stormcast For Friday, February 26th 2016 http://isc.sans.edu/podcastdetail.html?id=4885


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