New Feature: "Live" SSH Brute Force Logs and New Kippo Client
We are announcing a new feature we have been working on for a while, that will display live statistics on passwords used by SSH brute forcing bots. In addition, we also updated our script that will allow you to contribute data to this effort. Right now, we are supporting the kippo honeypot to collect data. This script will submit usernames, passwords and the IP address of the attacker to our system.
To download the script see .
The script uses a new REST API to upload logs to our system. To use it, you will need your API key, which you can retrieve from (look in the lower half of the page for the "report parameters").
For data we are collecting so far, see .
If you have any other systems then kippo collecting similar information (we like to collect username, password and IP address), then please let me know and I will see if we can add the particular log format to this client.
By contributing your logs, you will help us better understand who and why these attacks are performed, and what certain "must avoid" passwords are. Note for example that some of the passwords these scripts try out are not necessarily trivial, but they may be common enough to be worth while brute forcing targets.